BEHAVIOR CONSULTATIONS:   Help is available for all types of behavior problems including:

  • Aggression
  • Separation anxiety
  • Noise phobias
  • Geriatric anxiety disorders
  • House soiling
  • Destructive chewing
  • Unruliness and many more  

A consultation involves in depth history-taking, temperament evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and a comprehensive treatment plan. Consultations are done at our hospital (home appointments are not currently available).

APPOINTMENTS: To get on the waiting list, go to the Behavior Waiting List and follow the instructions. When the appointment is scheduled, a behavior history form will be emailed to you. It must be completed and returned prior to the visit.  In order to rule out underlying medical problems, Your  pet should have a complete physical prior to the behavior consultation.  Pets that are urinating in the home should have a urinalysis done.

Videos can be very helpful.  Emailing them prior to the appointment is helpful.  Or bring to the consultation.

CONSULTATIONS by ZOOM:  Available for some cases.  Please ask

FEES:  Fees are charged according to the amount of time spent in consultation with Dr. Hunthausen and are paid at the time of the consultation.  Consultations usually last     1 1/2 to 2 hours, more or less. 

INTRODUCING PETS:  There are easy ways and there are difficult ways to introduce a new pet to other pets in the home.  Learn the easy ways.

PREPARATION FOR ARRIVAL OF A BABY: Introducing your new baby to the resident pet can be tricky.  The time to start training and making adjustments is well before the baby comes home from the hospital.  We can teach you what to expect from your pet regarding behavior changes and how to avoid problems.

LECTURES / ARTICLES: Articles by Dr. Hunthausen have been published in a variety of professional and pet publications. He has presented hundreds of lectures in North America, Asia and Europe to veterinarians and pet owners. Behavior presentations for your group or articles for your publication can be arranged by contacting him