Dr. Hunthausen is a veterinarian and pet behavior consultant who has been working with families and veterinarians throughout North America to solve companion animal behavior problems since 1982. He is director of Animal Behavior Consultations in the Kansas City area, which provides behavior consultations and training, as well as a behavior support service for veterinarians. He received his Bachelor of Arts (zoology) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1979) degrees from the University of Missouri.

Dr. Hunthausen is an internationally renowned lecturer on the topic of pet behavior. He frequently writes for a variety of veterinary and pet publications and is co-author of the books, The Practitioner’s Guide to Pet Behavior Problems, and Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat; co-editor of the books, Dog Behavior and Training: Veterinary advice for owners, and Cat Behavior and Training: Veterinary advice for owners and helped develop and starred in the award winning child safety video, Dogs Cats & Kids: Learning to Be Safe with Animals. 

In 2002, Dr. Hunthausen received the American Animal Hospital Association’s. PetCare Award. This Award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to small animal behavior medicine. 

He has discussed dog and cat behavior on CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, the Today Show and 20/20, among others, as well as numerous radio shows, including Kansas City’s NPR affiliate, KCUR – Up To Date with Steve Kraske.  In 1996, he was a founder of the Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior and served on the organization committee. He has served as the president and executive board member of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior.

In his spare time, he is an avid photographer and enjoys writing, sketching, playing pool, snooker, cycling, movies and traveling with his wife, interior designer Jan Kyle, as well as hiking with their dog, Pudge. 

Dr. Hunthausen was chosen Kansas City’s Best Veterinarian in 2013 by the readers of PITCH MAGAZINE
Kansas City Star Archived articles by Dr Hunthausen
Business Journal Article
Books and Videos


Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 1979, University of Missouri
Graduate studies – Biochemistry, Physiology 1973-74, University of Missouri
BA, Zoology, 1969, University of Missouri

Companion animal behavior
Companion animal medicine and surgery
Human-companion animal bond

Recipient of the American Animal Hospital Association’s PetCare Award for outstanding contributions to small animal behavior medicine, 2002.
Phi Zeta, Veterinary Honor Society, 1979

American Animal Hospital Association
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
American Veterinary Medical Association
Kansas Veterinary Medical Association
Missouri Veterinary Medical Association
Kansas City Veterinary Medical Association

Advisory Panel for the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians 
Editorial advisory board for Behavior Today
VetOne international task force to promote the human-pet-veterinary bond
American Humane Association task force to promote humane dog training in the US, 
Practitioner Board member for Veterinary Medicine Journal
Organization committee for the Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior
Member of Behavior Advisory Board for Veterinary Forum
Behavior consultant on the editorial board of Feline Practice and Canine Practice
Executive board of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
President of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior 
President-elect of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
Secretary-Treasurer of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
Editor of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Newsletter 
Owner of Westwood Animal Hospital (est. 1985)
Co-designed and presented eight hour continuing education behavior seminars for the American Animal Hospital Association
Director of Animal Behavior Consultations (est. 1982)
Associate in companion animal practice-KC,MO,
house call practice, co-managed Kansas City Emergency Clinic

Doctor Hunthausen has given hundreds of print, radio and television interviews with journalists throughout the world on a variety of pet behavior topics
Host of bimonthly, live web chat on Canine and Feline behavior for WDAF TV 4, www.fox4kc.com
Frequent guest on KCUR – local public radio station
Talent for national television ad for pheromone product 
Veterinary Medicine online journal – series of five videos providing information for veterinary practitioners
Guest columnist for a series of pet articles in the KC Star newspaper
Talent for national video news release for new pet behavior product
Dog bite prevention interviews on national television:  Today Show, Fox Network News, 20/20, Health Network, Leeza Gibbons Show, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, Los Angeles Tribune, New York Times, PBS Health Week and many other national and local media
Interviewed on the Disney talk show, “Petsburgh USA,” shown on Animal Planet
Talent and professional consultant for Dogs, Cats & Kids: A child’s guide to pet safety. Award winning bite prevention video
National spokesperson for Hallmark, Inc. line of pet-themed cards and products. Twenty eight satellite television interviews as well as print and radio interviews
Talent for Hill’s Science Diet video on dental care and t/d diet
Consultant and national spokesperson for Sergeant’s “Summer Soap Down” contest, Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
“Animal House” pet talk show – program host, KNHN Radio (CNN 1340), Kansas City
“Midday Veterinarian” WDAF TV-4 News
Mike Murphy Show, “Animal Hour” guest veterinarian, KCMO Radio
Dick McDonough Show, “Tuesday’s Pet” guest veterinarian, KMBZ Radio

Veterinary editor for over 30 breed specific books, T.F.H publisher
“Celebrity judge” for Hallmark yourPets Greeting Card competition
Writer for Pets.com Website 
Behavior consultant for Petstore.com Website,
Wayside Waifs Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Kansas City
Veterinary consultant for Thornell Internet Website
Chairman of N. E. Johnson County Animal Control Commission
Veterinarian for Sergeant’s pet web site, 1995 to 1999
Consultant for Hallmark Cards, Inc. pet-themed card project, “Pet Love” 
Advisor for Behavior Forum in Pet section of CompuServe 
Founder and director of Pet Partnership Program (1984-1985), volunteer pet visitation organization
UMKC Communiversity instructor: “Pet Health Care and Behavior”
Trained canine actor for “Dog TV” (video) and “Annie” (local theater)
Companion animal behavior author and lecturer (over one thousand presentations to veterinarians, technicians, trainers and pet owners in North America, Asia and Europe)

Photography, art, digital graphics and design, billiards, snooker,  hiking, skiing, cycling, travel

Hunthausen W, Pediatric Behavior Problems – Cats, In: The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult (Tilley, Larry and Smith, Francis Eds.), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2005
Landsberg G, Hunthausen W, Ackerman L  Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition, (2013), Elsevier
Landsberg G, Hunthausen W, Ackerman L  Handbook of Behaviour Problems of the Dog and Cat, Elsevier,  2nd edition, 2003
Hunthausen W, Seksel K  Preventive behavioral medicine, In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural Medicine (Horwitz, Mills, Heath Eds), Gloucester, England 2002, pp 49-60
Landsberg G, Hunthausen W, Ackerman L: Handbook of Behaviour Problems of the Dog and Cat, Butterworth-Heinemann, Jordan Hill, Oxford, England. 1997 (available in Spanish and Japanese)
Dogs, Cats & Kids: A child’s guide to pet safety. Award winning bite prevention video. Talent and professional consultant. Pet Love Partnership, LP, Suite 200, One East Delaware Place, Chicago, IL 60611. 1996
Ackerman L, Landsberg G, Hunthausen W (Eds.): DOG BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING: Veterinary advice for owners. TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ, 1996
Ackerman L, Landsberg G, Hunthausen W (Eds.): CAT BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING: Veterinary advice for owners. TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ, 1996
Hunthausen W, Landsberg G, Practitioner’s Guide to Pet Behavior Problems, American Animal Hospital Association, Denver, CO., 1995

Hunthausen W, How to Tame Catzilla, Vetted Journal,  July 2016, vol 111, #7, pp. 22-24
Hunthausen W. A better walk: Training dogs not to lunge, growl, and pull on a leash, Veterinary Medicine, January 2015
Hunthausen W, 7 Steps to a Profitable Behavior Program, Veterinary Economics, June 2010
Hunthausen W, Helping Owners Handle Aggressive Cats, Veterinary Medicine, November 2006, pp. 719-727
Hunthausen W. Evaluating a feline facial pheromone analogue to control urine spraying, Veterinary Medicine, February 2000, pp. 151-155
Hunthausen W. Find the perfect match, Veterinary Economics, Fall Edition; 36-42, 1999
Hunthausen W. Feline House-soiling problems, Veterinary International, 9(4):31-38, 1997
Hunthausen W, Effects of aggressive behavior on canine welfare, JAVMA Vol. 210, No. 8, April 15, 1997, pp. 1134-1136
Hunthausen W, Behavior Problems: Find a long-term solution instead of a quick fix, Veterinary Economics, May 1996 pp. 39-40
Hunthausen W, Housesoiling and the geriatric dog, Veterinary Medicine – Supplement, August 1995, pp. 4-15
Hunthausen W, Collecting the history of a pet with a behavior problem, Veterinary Medicine, October 1994, p 954
Hunthausen W, Identifying and treating behavior problems in geriatric dogs, Veterinary Medicine, September 1994, p. 688-700
Hunthausen W, Dealing with Feline Housesoiling: A practitioner’s guide, Veterinary Medicine, August 1993, pp. 726-735
Hunthausen W, It’s Time to Offer Behavior Services, Veterinary Economics, November, 1991, pp. 52-57
Hunthausen W, The causes, treatment, and prevention of canine destructive chewing, Veterinary Medicine, October 1991, pp. 1007-1010

Co-authored series of behavior brochures for the American Animal Hospital Association 1996, 1998
Authored series of behavior brochures for the IAMS Company 1996
Hunthausen W, Degrees of Puppyhood: Understanding puppies’ developmental stages, DOGS USA, 1997 Annual, pp.80-85
Hunthausen W, Fighting Tooth and Nail, Cat Fancy, May 1994, 36-39
Hunthausen W, Helping the Pet Dog Adjust to the New Baby, The Pet Communique, vol. 2, No. 1, 1994, 6-7
Hunthausen W, Understanding Your Pet’s Behavior, The Pet Communique, vol. 1, No. 1, 1994, 6-7
Hunthausen W, Calming the Fearful Cat, Cat Fancy, February 1994, 38-41
Hunthausen W, Litter Lessons, Cat Fancy, October, 1993, 30-35
Hunthausen W, Landsberg G, Providing Behavior Services in Veterinary Practice, American Animal Hospital Association Publication. Denver, CO., 1993
Hunthausen W, Rule out medical etiologies first in geriatric behavior problems, DVM Magazine, July, 1991
Hunthausen W, Preparation can ease introduction of new baby, pet into household; establishing routine essential, DVM Magazine, October, 1990
Hunthausen W, Giving new puppy owners practical tips to curb unruly behavior can save lives, DVM Magazine, July 1990, p 29